Thursday 1 April 2021

RAS BEHARI BOSE. REVOLUTIONARY. he was born in village subaldaha in purba bardhaman dist of West Bengal. he was the key organiser of ghadar party and mutiny. he was also an active mber of jugantar oartyhe escaped from India. In 2015 after the police was after him in connection with delhi conspiracy case in which attempt was made on the life of viceroy hardinge at chandni chowk in delhi when a bomb was lobbed in to the howdah on an elephant in which the viceroy and his wife were seated. Police was sure that ras BEHARI bose lobbed the home made bomb .the viceroy escaped with injuries and his wife was un harmed. But an attendant was killed. Ras BEHARI evaded arrest and was successful in fleeing to JapanJapan. In Japan he was the key figure in organising Indian National army from the captured Indian Army prisoners during ww ii in pacific sector .He met Japanese authorities and convinced them to helpIndian patriots to liberate India from British occupation. . he initially established Indian Independence league in march 1942..Indian national army was established on 1sept 1942 asmilitary wing of Indian independence league. The captured Indian soldiers from malaya and burma were motivated to join INA and when netaji bose arrived into Japan, it was handed over to him. Rash BEHARI married a Japanese woman toshiko in 1916and they had a daughter. Tetsuko and a son masahide bose. rash bihari Bose passed away on 21 jan 1945.owing to tuberculosis.

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