Tuesday 6 April 2021

HIRAJI GOMAJI P ATIL, REVOLUTIONARY.. he was from maharashtra. he was the son of GOMAJI patil, the deputy chief of Azad dast a group of revolutionaries organised by Bhai veer kothwal. To fight the British govt in India. they gave idea to kotwal to damage power supply to Bombay that would dusrpt industrial production. It was agreed to and the pylon that was in the power distribution was overturned disrupting the power supply to Bombay creating great crisis. The govt started pursuing the rebels and a special police officer DSP hall was appointed to catch the culprits. The revolutionaries were taking shelter at sidhhagad and the information was leaked to police by a betrayer. soon the police team attacked the revolutionaries and police opened fire in which Hiraji patil was killed and bhai kotwal was badly injured, immobilising him. he was soon shot dead by police officer Hall.

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