Monday 12 April 2021

SELF GLORIFICATION.. In fact India during the last 70 years acted as self glorified apostle of peace in the world and made statements loudly condemning others. We angered china on this account during nehrus times. he declared in parliament...I instructed army to throw out the Chinese...Mao felt much upset..He dare these Indians speak that they would throw out the great Chinese. I shall teach them a lesson. We paid great price and bought disgrace to Indian Army in1962 that we can never would be able to erase.Although we pose as great peace makers nobel peace Prize eluded us including Gandhi, Nehru, and terrorists like arafat got it. Infact , wisdom likes in keeping quiet and improving the country and we are far from it. the, recent killing of four people in West Bengal by our para military force personnel indicates how violent and rotten is our country as a democracy and it is shameful. if we visit any state in our country, we find that at every corner of thei country rogues are creating problems to people and govts have failed to give proper governance. Although we claim to be very ancient and quoting Aryabhatta. Budha, mahaveer. Patanjali, susruta, bhaskara and many more ,we have degenerated into a condemned race in many aspects. The need of the hour is to have introspection and improve all short comings particularly public discipline, humility, honesty and then world will recognise us. By claiming ourselves as great ,none will care and laugh on our face itself. a reality..

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