Thursday 3 June 2021


BEWARE. Of 1962
                Dr K Prabhakar Rao

There was once an Ostrich
 it buried its head in a heap of sand
 the foolish bird claimed there was no  enemy
While the enemy butchered it in its own land

India is a    very strange  state
That neglected for years  its own    forces
The state would learn in a hard way
While Indians have no remorse

When Nehru was on top of ladder
Menon was the minister of Defence
India slept singing Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai
while the Chinese were preparing to cross the fence

Nehru had his own  unfounded ego and fad
While Menon suffered greatest ego
General Thimmayya  led the Indian army
Who was sure that India would become a DODO@

tensions at borders worsened to the hilt
While Chinese crossed over  on to our land
throw out the Chinese. Nehru blared
while The Chinese ,,laying  their band

 Indian army fought with great valor and grit
while our troops  were ruthlessly mowed down
India lost thousands of square miles of the land  and men
While the Chinese were close to  ourTezpur  town

India  saved its face at last in the grim state
When The American President  Kennedy warned the yellow men
India was on streets with begging bowls
 with Shame writ large that is difficult to pen

Nehrus morale  shattered like bomb shell
Menon  and Thapar were   axed after a blood bath
The shame that   India suffered haunts us even today
Hope our leaders  are not treading Nehrus path


Note.@. DODO .. It is an extinct  Australian bird

Thapar.. Gen PN  Thapar, Army chief in 1962 war

Menon .. MOD

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