Friday 25 June 2021


                               WHERE ARE WE  LEADING TO  BY RESERVATIONS

                                           Prof  Col DR  K  Prabhakar Rao Retd


                       Indira gandh's   slogan was GaribI Hatao i e remove poverty,  but she failed to accomplish it . So, she switched Over to ameeri hatao i.e remoce the rich.She abolished privy purses of former kings and rulers, perks, gun salutes, Titles, freedom arms act, red plates on carsetc and over night, they became common men. some became paupers.She nationalized private banks.very soon the banks became centres of inefficiency, lethargy, corruption and  places for scams over a period .  Crooks  ditched banks and committed scams  worth lakhs of crores of rupees  by people like  vijaya malya and many  others. Till now, no one has been caught and punished. Every scamster has escaped from this country and  is hiding abroad. We are fighting endless legal battles to nab them.,   After independence ,govt slogans were Merit hatao  and inefficiency badho..Reservations  went- on for decade after decade while  merit was  overlooked and crushed in to the ground. There is not a single MP who spoke against reservations. Generations of merit students and men and women were crushed and many families crashed to poverty, But our public representatives  and those at helm   of affairs never bothered. They enjoyed fat salaries, pensions, perks, air travel,rail travel, precedence,  personal security and  medical treatment abroad, The nation Promoted duds and nuts In all walks of life and in govt organizations and we have achieved it and going strong in this direction.. Reservations that were to go in 10 years have become permanent in India. Second rate or even third rate   stuff are promoted in all walks of life in all cadres  in all services except defense services to some extent.  Army too did not escape from political interference. The part played by Nehrus coterie before and after 1962 chinese war is well known and document. Nehru promopre Gen PN Thapar as army chief side lining recommendations of Gen thimmayya who nehru and Menon hated.In turn India suffered humiliating deat at the hands of China.

                         No politician including Modiji wants to touch this aspect of reservations  as he knows that any effort to touch reservations will  spell doom to the party and his election results. Naturally ,he has to play and dance to the tune. Defense services are not attracting talented persons of merit  as   inputs of quality  who are opting for foreign jobs, foreign studies and in IT industry and want to join IAS and IPS , but not defence services.. Left out stuff compete at SSB.As it is,  Services do not need highly intelligent people as they could be misfit. They need just  average guys who can fit in and follow the stream. Thus, defense services too are down graded in quality and thanks to the regular govt policies of down grading the   defense services every year . Thus. Entire nation is tending to  conglamation   as  a pack of useless nuts in all walks of life particularly in govt services and  politics. Industry recruit only quality material. India as a nation thus has come to stay as a third rate stuff although we claim very high and effective in administration In state and centre , govt offices, schools, colleges, universities, govt industries, corporations and of course politics where reservations are effective at all levels.

                      Infact, reservations are insult to the community which they do not Understand. Vested interests have taken over the country in all spheres   . There is no dearth of anti nationals all over the country constantly struggling to derail the country and India is inching towards  to a grave danger.tukde tukde gangs,  and gangs shouting hame Azadi chahiye, Azadi leke rahenge etc are flourishing in universities that have become centres of mischief than  some studies.Where we are leading to. Should we only watch and stare at them helplessly. Reservations have led to  creation of some mischief making power centres at some places and  in universities studies are much adversely affected by caste politics as a result of reservations.  who has to correct this . obviously those in power. Unless reservations are removed this ailment will not go from the country. Let economic reservations be there to help poor irrespective of caste. Then every section will have opportunity to rise. Why IAS and IPS officers children  need reservations? They have already come up in life.  Thus we see that there is a great lacuna  in the entire policy and unless  the govt corrects the system we will be caught in the endless  swirling shit pool from whivh there is no escape and what awats is country's  destruction ultimately.

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