Wednesday 16 June 2021


                 INTO THE PAST WITH PAIn….346

                                         Dr K Prabhakar Rao


Gandhi, Patel and Nehru are  seen at Tank bund in Hyderabad at 600 in the evening… The appear to be confused.

Gandhi. Look Patel. Why there is no one on the roads. Looks deserted.

Patel. No idea Bapu. Usually this place is much crowded.

Gandhi. I see some police guys  moving about.

A constable runs towards them and approaches.

Constable. Hey old man why you guys are loafing around.

Patel Look Constable . Is this the way you address elders. Are you taught in this way

Constable.  You are not supposed to be on roads at this time.

Patel. Why? Is there a curfew in city.

Constable. There is no curfew. But lock down is there to prevent Covid spreading.

Gandhi. We do not know  about it.

Constable. Are you not from this state.

Gandhi. I am from no place. I belong to whole world. I keep moving

Constable. You appear to be a crank. How you do not have a place ? You have to come to SI.

Patel .Fine. We shall come.

All of them go to SI who is sitting on a motorcycle shaking his foot and munching pawn

SI. Why  these guys are here?  Are they violators of lock down?

Constable. Yes sir. They were loafing. Let us chew them si r They are acting funny too

SI ..Hey old guys. Do not you know the rules?

Nehru. No we do not know.

SI. Since when you are in the city?

Nehru. We came  about one hour ago from heavens.

SI. what nonsense you are speaking. How can you come down from heavens?

Patel. Yes . very true.

SI. You guys appear to be off the centre. Needs treatment at Erragadda mental hospital.

Patel. We are ok .We need no treatment.

Constable. You  guys must go home by 6 pm.

 Gandhi. Suppose our scootter gets punctured. Then what happens?

SI. You change  spare wheel and go.

Nehru. If  spare wheel is also bad, then what can a guy do?

SI. Then run home.. leave the scooter on road.

Gandhi. By next day nothing will be left in the bike.  All parts will be sold.

SI. Come on do not argue. You said you do not have any place.

Gandhi. We do not have any single place. Whole world is ours.  Have you not  recognized us.

SI. Are you some VVIPs

Gandhi. I am Gandhi, these are patel and Nehru.

SI. Good acting and dressing up. Is this your profession?

Gandhi. Come on Mr SI. We are real guys.

SI .The real guys  died long ago. Even before my dad was born.

Patel. Are we responsible for that.

SI. You guys are just cheats. I just give three minutes  to you  to run and vanish

Patel. What will you do otherwise?

SI.  I shall put you under arrest.

Gandhi. If you are so sure catch us and show.

(SI  and Constable jump on the trio. They fall flat on concrete  road breaking most of their teeth.)

(SI and constable shout and cry loudly for help)

Gandhi. Look police guys. You have no business  to misbehave with people. It is ok lock down is there. But you can not be a tyrant. You have to be careful with old people. Who will respect you, if you are like this.

Patel. You can never catch us. We told  that we are dead guys and just souls. You thought you could catch us but   you fell flat. Now go home and go  to dentist for treatment. We are vanishing now.  Be careful. Treat people with respect. Then you will also get respect.

The trio vanishes with a flash.

SI. I shall ring up for some help from police station. I shall call an ambulance too.

Constable OK Fine sir..

                                              CURTAIN FALLS

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