Monday 14 June 2021


                   Ghadar party  mostly by Sikhs and Punjabi Hindus  apart from members from jugantar  and Anushilan  Samithi, Hindustan socialist republican   association carried out, relentless revolutionary activities in Punjab, Delhi United provinces and Bengal between 1907  and 1935 that shook British Empire and it was boosted by Netajis INA  That finally landed on eastern India along with japs army and  fought tooth and nail battles  before atom bomb was dropped by America on Japan an ally of INA. England had no option to go out from India  while those in power SHAMELESSLY CLAIMED that  they brought freedom to India. However  ,the British  handed over power to congress party  who left no stone unturned to belittle the revolutionary contribution to the Indian freedom. we are facing the results of   the greatest mismanagement, chgaotic administration,  scams and 70 years of misrule.of govt. No light appears at the end of the tunnel. Mismanagement is the order of the day.

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