Sunday 27 June 2021


MAI BHAGO.. THE FIRST SIKH WOMAN TO TAKE UP ARMS TO  FIGHT OPPRESSORS. In 1740, mughal army surrounded Anandpur sahib trapping Guru Gobind singh  and declared that any one who  declared that he  was  no longer with the Guru  would not be harmed and allowed to go . A group of  40 sikh soldiers of khalsa army except  one 'bedava' signed a statement led by Maha singh  that they were no longer with Guru Gobind singh  to escape death at the hands of mughals who surrounded them.  They were called chali. Milte. Mai BHAGO was upset over such betrayal of guru by 40 sikhs in her surroundings  and  criticized them bitterly  and they felt ashamed and  she rallied  the deserters to the Guru who was in malwa region at that time . They apologised to Guru. 

Mai BHAGO and the 40 men fought a bitter battle with the pursuing mughal  army at khidranain  (in mukhtasar battle) and in the battle all forty died except  Mahan singh and Mai BHAGO. Maha singh died in the lap of Guru  and Guru also took care of Mai BHAGO who was seriously injured. Her husband and brothers also were martyred. Some say,she lost her children too. Later ,she stayed  under the Guru Gobind Singh protection and after his death  at Nanded, she moved to   Janwada  13 km  away from  bidar and setup her dera. She passed away after leading a long life.

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