Wednesday 2 June 2021

 GEN JN CHAUDHRY, Former  Chief of army staff .He took over from Gen Thapar after 1962 debacle at thehands of china. Ill equipped and poorly motivaed Indian army met utter defeat at the hands of PLA. Thanks to coterie of Nehru and Menon along with Gen Thapar  As a Maj Gen, he  conducted police action earlier against Hyderabad princely state of Hyderabad in sept 1948 leading to its surrender. He invaded Hyderabad  kingdom from four fronts.  WW II vintage   Sherman  medium and stuart light  tanks were part of the  formations during the invasion that broke the back of Hyderabad army  and Razakars the nizams ugly Razakar militia under Kasim Razvi. Razvi boasted that he would fly Nizams Asafia flag on Red fort,  and that waters from Bay of Bengal would wash feet of Nizam. He also claimed that he would  build graves of nehru and patel at Delhi.  Razakars were mowed down on all fronts and Razvi was arrested. He was sentenced to ten years rigorous  prison term by a civil court comprising   judges from different religions. Kasim Razvi was  tried for Bibinagar dacoity case apart from the murder of a journalist Shoebulla khan  who led one man crusade against Nizams policies in the state  of   Hyderabad . Razvi was however acquitted of Murder charge due to lack of evidence but was convicted of dacoity  charge .   He served the sentence in Chanchalguda jail  at Hyderabad  and at Pune jail and immediately after release , migrated  to Pakistan .    

 Gen Chaudhry  was the army chief during  .1965 Indo pak war and he led   India to victory,   He was the founding father of Border security force. 

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