Monday 21 June 2021


 SHAM SINGH ATTARIWALA. SIKH COMMANDER IN FIRST ANGLO SIKH WAR.fought 1945, sabrwan spelled sobraon by the British. Became a MARTYR..A Sikh commander TEJ SINGH reportedly betrayed Sikh army and joined British midway due to which a boat pontoon bridge  gave way  in middle of battle. It is said that the commander Tej singh directed cannon fire on the bridge causing the  bridge failure.20,000 Sikhs were trapped on east bank . Some sources say that the bridge gave way due to a large crowd of soldiers on it.  Soldiers  could  not withdraw and Sham Singh attariwala valiantly led the battle against the British forces and was killed in the battle and most of them fought to death. British horse artillery lined up on the bank and fired into the crowd that jumped into the waters causing many deaths.. Sikh  army was 26000 against 20000 of the company troops.This was a very great defeat for Sikhs and 8000 to 10000 sikh troops were killed and scores of guns  were captured by British..They had to sign a treaty surrendering large fertile lands in doab to the British and major portions of Kashmir were sold to Gulab Singh the dogra chief..

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