Thursday 24 June 2021


                              STRUGGLE AT ANDAMANS

                                        DR K Prabhakar Rao

India became a slave to the English men

The rulers exploited  the nation to the hilt

to the agony of those who craved for freedom

while the  rascals in power in the country had no guilt

Sikhs stationed abroad had grand plans for freedom

They craved for Indian  freedom day and night

And came out with a grand committed plan

They drew their swords as freedom was their right

Ghadar party was born on American soil

Secret meetings were the order of the day

in the country they stood for freedom for all

As  people craved for English blood come what may

Spirits grew high as  the great world war was unleashed

Craving for freedom also to sky high  rose

Scores of patriots went to the gallows,

Like water coming out from a powerful hose

scores went to cellular jail  in Andamans

Where prisoners were tortured by  as if in hell 

Many perished in the dark  rooms in the jail

While the English men laughed loud to  saying all is well

Years passed and  prisoners became old and rickety

Yet their spirit was not broken  in the  den 

The jailors had full time work there

To intimidate  and break the spirits of men


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