Monday 21 June 2021

Maharaja Ranjit singhji

 MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH OF SIKH EMPIRE IN PUNJAB ( 13 Nov 1780   27 June 1839 ). He was great warrior, administrator  and statesman  and even conquered Afghanistan that no one could defeat  earlier. He maintained very strong army and even employed English officers with strict discipline of no alcohol and no beef. After his death in 1839, the kindom quickly broke away in to small   sikh kingdoms vassals to  the British . He employed people from other faiths to high positions in the kingdom and was purely secular.He  gave away lot of gold to  Masjids, temples and Gurudwars for development . Sikh empire was dissolved in 1849 after second Anglo sikh war. The empire survived for mere ten years. The kingdom  was divided in to many princely states  who were vassals to the British crown and all these  finally came under  the British administration and the princes were mere puppets in the hands of Englishmen. Most of these princes were easy going, fun loving and lived in luxuries ,pomp and show. The discipline Of Ranjit Singh vanished  within ten years. Betrayals  and assassinations of rulers  became order of the day. Inefficient    administration and loss of discipline in army resulted  in breakup of  the empire  and it  was lost into this air..

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