Tuesday 29 June 2021


NAWAB KAPUR SINGH.. He is considered as one of the major figures in sikh history. Under his leadership the community traversed one of the darkest period of its history. He organized sikh confideracy and the dal khalsa and is considered as a leader and general  par excellence. he succeeded  darbara singh in 1737 and was  succeeded by  jassa singh Ahluwalia. he fought against forces  and policies of zakharia khan the mughal governor of lahore who  put a price for every sikhs head as bounty. Finally the governor came to terms. He was granted title nawab with a jagir of  consisting of three parghanas. he wore robes of honor and regal attire sent by the Mughals. he organised  the jathas  as buddha dal and  and taruna dal as army of veterans and the other as of young. Under his leadership ,slowly misls evolved as strength grew. in 1739 when nadir shah was returning from delhi with plunder, sikhs attacked rear guard of nadir shah at Akhnur near today's jammu and recovered lot of loot and saved many girls from captivity. The girls were escorted to their homes . sikhs again had to fight suppression of zakharia khan  and they killed  samad khan who murdered bhai mani singh earlier. Their effort to capture zakharia khan did not succeed. Zakharia khan continued his persecution and with large force a battle was fought at kahnuwan and sikhs lost and nearly 7000 we're taken captives and they were be headed  at lahore and this was known as chota ghalughara. Kapur singh owing to old age requested  to get  relieved and jassa singh succeeded him. he passed away on 9 oct 1753 at Amritsar.


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