Monday 28 June 2021



 ZORAWAR SINGH. The great Sikh warrior  and GENERAL in service of  RAJA GULAB SINGH  of jammu. Kashmir during the   reign of maharajah ranjit Singh of Sikh empire. Kashmir  was part of Sikh empire and Gulab Singh was a vassal. khalsa army conquered Ladakh region under his leader ship and khalsa flag was  hoisted on ladakh capital at Leh. He pleaded with the maharajah Ranjit Singh that he be permitted to take an expedition to conquer Tibet for which the maharajah declined. Probably, he must have thought that the expedition was too dangerous  and risky apart from being very tedious. after the death of Ranjit Singh,  his son Sher Singh succeeded  to the throne after  some time and palace conspiracies . During his  reign, Zorawar Singh could convince the new maharajah about his proposed plan of conquering Tibet and it was approved. 

Zorawar Singh  collected 5000 strong force comprising of ladakhis ,  balties  and few Dogras. Very few Sikh soldiers were there.This proved to be a lacuna later.    

            Against all odds and hardships, he was able to attack Tibet plateau  and bitter battles were fought. Tibetans offered less resistance  initially  and  waited so that the attacking force got exhausted. Supplies and reinforcements became a problem soon  due to  treacherous terrain and climate and snow..  yet ,Zorawar Singh pressed on and Chinese and reinforced Tibetan army  now fought bitterly. In one of the battle  on 12 dec 1841 fought for three days ,Zorawar Singh was killed apart from heavy losses for khalsa army as they were already severely exhausted. Over ambition proved  counter productive for Zorawar Singh. The survivors returned to ladakh. Later, representatives of emperor of China and the rajah  Gulab Singh and the British met and signed an agreement and decided the borders.. Thus, Ladakh became part of India fully.

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