Wednesday 23 June 2021

 BABA DEEP SINGHJI, SAINT WARRIOR,  He was  initiated into khlasa path by guru   Gobind 
  Singh in 1699. He rose to become   a great scholar and learned man in contemporary days. He fought and led many battles    to establish khalsa  raj. He also fought along with Banda singh Bahadur  in 1709 T Sadahura to avenge killing of  pir Budhu shah by Usman khan a mughal  and he was killed and his army was decimated. He also fought in the great battle chappar chori along with Banda singh in 1710- 11 in which wazir khan governor of sirhind was killed.  Wazir khan bricked alive two younger sons of Guru Gobins Singh .  In  1757, Ahmedsha Abdali Durrani attacked Delhi and was returning with  captives and large booty and his army was confronted at Kurukshetra and inflicted great defeat on Durrani and captives and booty were  liberated. But, he was decapitated in the battle. Yet, he held his decapitated head in hand and rode to 
Harmandir sahib at Amritsar with his 15 kg double edged sword held high in hand   and gave up his life there... Great warrior and saint he was indeed. He is held in very high esteem by all.

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