Saturday 12 June 2021

 SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGH, MARTYR, Member HSRA, He was arrested and tried along with Rajguru and Sukhdev thapar  for the murder of ASP Lahore  Saunders after the death of Lala Lajpat rai who died as a consequence of police lathi charge ordered by SP James scott in Lahore when Laj pat rai was leading non violent demonstration against Simon commission. They were sentenced to death and were hanged on 23 March 1931 at Lahore jail. He was arrested after he and Batukeswar Dutt threw pamphlets and  bombs in Delhi assembly.  The death of three  revolutionaries sent shock waves in the country and Bhagat singh became the icon of revolution.  The bodies of Bhagat singh , Rajguru and sukh dev were cremated by police at Hussenwala at the banks of satlej river. Every year martyrs memorial day is observed at the site where a memorial has been built for the three..

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