Friday 11 June 2021

 SHYAMJI KRISHNA VERMA. He was  a  lawyer in England at London and he opened the famous India House in north  London. Some residential students pursuing higher education stayed there and were also given scholarships. It also published a news paper Indian socialogist in which  the  govt of British India was much criticised. The house became a popular center for meetings by Indian nationalists. Persons  like Madan lal Dhingra , Savarkar, Madam Cama,  VN Chaterjee,  MPT Acharya, AIyar, Lala Hardayal,  PM Bapat were regular visitors. The India House became prominant in news when Madan lal Dhingra aassassinated Curzon Wayllie a British India  senior servant in the govt  at a function.  As a consequence  British agencies came to know  about that the   inmates and visitors were on path of sedition the India House was closed and by that tome most of the personnel fled from England a nd mostly reached France and carried out activities from there.  The influence of India House on Indian  nationalists was very deep and the leaders un leashed a  strong revoultionary activities in India  during freedom struggle and all the activities had the stamp of India house effect.

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