Friday 18 June 2021

                                           WILL POLICY OF PROHIBITION SUCCEED?

                                          Prof  Dr colonel   K Prabhakar Rao.. Retd.

                  The policy of implementation of policy of prohibition is the result of whimsical behavior of the leaders who manage to get elected to various state assemblies in the country and is a catchy slogan   and aimed at short sighted ventures. The entire world had tried the trick but failed miserably. The leaders miserably failed and they ran after a mirage. It is   tragic to note that the govt leaders instead of solving various other problems such as traffic congestion on roads, housing problems for poor and middle classes, pollution in cities and industrial areas, water shortage, waste disposal, crime prevention, flesh trade, child abusing, Rapes, dowry harassment, child lifting, public health, prevention of epidemics, mosquito menace, preventive vaccinations, etc. are running after wild goose chase where no one has been ever been  successful. In the process ,state coffers  are also emptied in wasteful expenditure and schemes of welfare . wherever something is given free it is not respected and generates laziness. The useless schemes also result in excessive taxation by govt on trade, registrations of houses lands, motor vehicles, sales and commercial taxes,  petrol  diesel and gas making lives utterly  difficult.

                 The govt in fact has  trespassed   into individual rights. The govt has  no right to dictate what to drink and what not. Any thing done excessively is bad. Any one drinking  and becoming a nuisance to public   is not accepted. They have to be disciplined. The women who  spear head these agitations are  short sighted and are after some popularity. Why they are not agitating against  dowry menace, wife beating, harassment for additional dowry  which are rampant in Telugu land.

               Even MK Gandhi, father of nation tried his hand at Prohibition when he was alive and gave up. There was a song  sung by C Nagiah famous actor singer.. kallu manandoi babu kallu teravandoi..long time ago in an old cinema when  such attempts were made. It means  stop drinking and open your eyes.  No one has stopped drinking and opened eyes. They are as usual.   In former  AP   state during  Naidus time,  prohibition was introduced as election gimmick.   However,  the people from Hyderabad travelled  to close by Karnataka border near Bidar in cars and travelled to Bidar as free citizens. They enjoyed at Bars in Bidar or near by places   and returned back to Hyderabad under the nose of AP police. Nothing could be done by govt. At last the policy was lifted.

                     Although many legislators  fully know that the policy of prohibition  would be a utter failure keep mum and clap at the imposition of policy wherever it is  forced up on because they are after party policies and election manifesto, and fear for their posts  such as  ministerial births, corporate chairmanships for which they worked hard. They are short  sighted too in this aspect. Apart from making govt bankrupt due to loss of revenue the policy of prohibition promotes corruption in police and excise departments. Even  the policy promotes illicit distillation and consumption of spurious liquor. Deaths  occur due to poisoning by country liquor. Toddy is exempted from prohibition. Toddy tapping is an age old profession and a section of community is India and in Telugu lands is living on this profession. Toddy is also an intoxicant. Can toddy be prohibited by govt? Probably never. It will result in social  chaos and great social uprising. Many people also died due to adulteration of toddy till date. But it continues unabated. 

                      The govt instead of forcing some whimsical policies on people that leads us to no where should concentrate on better  governing than living in glass houses and talking high. Drinking liquor is age old habit even in Vedic times and in the bygone ages. Even  during the rule of lord Rama the vice of drinking was there. washer man Tippadu under the influence of liquor beat  on suspicion as his wife went to her relatives house. consequently the Intelligence men of Lord Rama informed about the  state of affairs in the town including washer mans episode to Lord rama.  As a consquence, Rama  sent away Sita to the jungles   and discared her . The story is long and all  Hindus know about it.   No one will be able to stop it. Even Devas are habituated to drinks. It is there in scriptures and it is called Sura.All devas are addicted to Sura. However, govt should ensure that illicit liquor trade is curbed ruthlessly. It should also ensure that discipline and law and order   in society is maintained by proper checks.

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